mourns the journalist Adam Lusekelo!!!

Seasoned and veteran journalist, Adam Lusekelo (54) passed away while being rushed to Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) on Thursday night, his wife Scolastica Lusekelo, said.

Ms Lusekelo said the deceased’s health deteriorated on Thursday night when relatives rushed him to MNH.

“He didn’t even reach the hospital, he breathed his last on the way at around 11pm,” Ms Lusekelo said.

The ‘Sunday News’ columnist has been battling diabetes for a long time and was surviving on medication.

“Oh, no! We have lost a ‘Sunday News’ readers’ favourite,” lamented the newspaper’s Editor, Ichikaeli Maro upon receiving news of Mr Lusekelo’s death. His column, a unique blend of writing serious issues of national importance with a soft touch, won many hearts and souls.

“My husband will miss him badly, he was his favourite columnist,” said Joyce Sabuni, Tanzania Standard Newspapers employee in the circulation section. TSN Acting Managing Editor, Mkumbwa Ally also mourned the death of one of journalism’s most gifted writers.

Burial arrangements are being made at his home at Ubungo Maziwa, but the body is likely to be transported to his home region of Rungwe in Mbeya, his wife said.

The late Lusekelo is survived by a wife and three children, two daughters and a son. He worked with TSN briefly in the 1980s before joining BBC as a correspondent based in Dar es Salaam.

Source: Wavuti