Kaymu Reaches 5 Million Fans on Facebook

TANZANIA’S leading online marketplace: Kaymu, has reached the 5 million fans mark on Facebook. Thisbigachievement of gettingto 5 million Facebook fans, nowranks Kaymu as the36th biggest e-commerce page in theworld. Justtwomonthsago Kaymu ranked as the 45th. Thiscalculatesinto Kaymu gettinganaverage of more than 13,000 fans per day, more than 85,000 fans per week, and more than 371,000 fans per month, making …

E-commerce Overtaking Offline Retail…!

FOR anyone just discovering e-commerce, it may seem the industryis quite niche; that offline retail will forever remain the dominant sales channel. However, this assumption is being challenged, and quickly proven wrong in many parts of the world. Offline retail may seemingly have advantages, ranging from established players with historical knowledge of customer habits, physical displaysfor its products, placement in …

Kaymu Tanzania to Feature at The UDSM 2015 Marketing Forum

KAYMU Tanzania’s number one online marketplace, has once again partnered with the University of Dar-es-Salaam, this time in The 2015 UDBS Marketing Forum. The Forum is expected to take a single day, Saturday, 6th June 2015, where potential marketers (marketing oriented students) will meet with corporate practitioners. Students will get time to give their views on issues relating to marketing …