Ecommerce: The Different Types

CONTRARY to popular belief, ecommerce is not just on the Web. In fact, ecommerce was alive and well in business to business transactions before the Web back in the 70s via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) through VANs (Value-Added Networks). Ecommerce can be broken into four main categories: B2B, B2C, C2B, and C2C. • B2B (Business-to-Business) These are companies that do …

Ecommerce: Africa Growing Very Fast

POVERTY is often associated with Africa and this is with good reason, but it is safe to say Africa’s middle class is rising and so is their spending power. According to data from the Africa Development Bank,“About one third of the continent spends around $4 to $20 a day and this group isexpected to grow to 42% by 2060”. This …

No Traffic, as Ecommerce Refuses to Slow Down

WE are already past the halfway mark through the year, and it is clear that ecommerce won’t be slowing down anytime soon. More businesses are looking to establish online stores. According to Invesp, ecommerce sales are growing at 19% each year, worldwide. For shoppers, the plentiful benefits are well known. Shopping online saves time, offers a greater product selection and …