JK: Kifo cha Osama ni unafuu kwa walioumizwa

Na Edson Kamukara Dar es Salaam RAIS Jakaya Kikwete amesema kifo cha Kiongozi wa kundi la Al-qaeda, Osama Bin Laden kitaleta unafuu na kuwapunguzia machungu watu waliopoteza ndugu zao ama kujeruhiwa katika matukio yaliofanywa na kundi hilo wakiwemo Watanzania. Rais Kikwete alitoa kauli hiyo jana wakati akijibu swali la mwandishi wa habari kwenye mkutano wa Tume ya Shirika la Umoja …

Mmethibitisha Obama ni Mmarekani si Mwafrika

WAKATI Barack Hussein Obama alipotangazwa kama mshindi anayengoja kuapishwa na kuwa Rais wa 44 wa Marekani, niliandika makala, ‘Obama ni Rais wa Marekani si Rais wa Afrika.’ Niliandika hivyo kwa makusudi kutokana na matumaini makubwa, na pengine yanayozidi kawaida walivyokuwa nayo baadhi ya Waafrika kutokana na rangi ya Obama. Nchi jirani ya Kenya (alikotoka Hussein Obama) ilitangaza siku moja rasmi …

Ubungo yachafuka

*Madereva wa mabasi ya mikoani wagoma *Abiria wataabika, FFU watembeza virungu *Kova azomewa, aambiwa aache siasa VURUGU kubwa za aina yake, ziliibuka jana katika Kituo Kikuu cha Mabasi ya Mikoani kilichopo Ubungo Dar es Salaam, baada ya madereva wa mabasi kugoma wakilalamikia mikataba ya ajira. Sambamba na malalamiko hayo, wadereva hao waligoma kwa sababu hawaridhishwi na utendaji kazi wa Kikosi …

Could bin Laden’s death increase risk of domestic terrorism attacks?

Osama bin Laden’s death is a major blow to al Qaeda, counter-terror experts agree. And yet, in the short term, they caution that it could actually increase the threat of a domestic attack. Interpol, the international police organization, today warned its member countries, including the United States, “to be on full alert” for attacks by Islamic terrorists looking to avenge …

Could bin Laden’s death increase risk of domestic terrorism attacks?

Osama bin Laden’s death is a major blow to al Qaeda, counter-terror experts agree. And yet, in the short term, they caution that it could actually increase the threat of a domestic attack. Interpol, the international police organization, today warned its member countries, including the United States, “to be on full alert” for attacks by Islamic terrorists looking to avenge …

Osama bin Laden Is DEAD

Osama bin Laden has been killed by U.S. military forces, President Barack Obama just announced.The 9/11 mastermind was reportedly shot in the head in Pakistan and his body is in U.S. hands. President Obama said he authorized the mission to make a move on Bin Laden last week — after several months of planning — and the attack went down …