NCCR faults assent to Constitution review bill

Mbunge wa Kigoma Kusini (NCCR), Mh. David Kafulila

The opposition NCCR-Mageuzi party has expressed dismay over President Jakaya Kikwete’s quick decision to sign the controversial Constitution Review Bill into law, noting that the move clearly shows that the head of state has ignored public outcry on the matter. “NCCR-Mageuzi has been saddened by what the president did…this shows that the president, who is the head of the country, is not ready to hear or work on majority views,” said North Kigoma-South lawmaker David Kafulila (NCCR-Mageuzi).

Kafulila was giving his party’s stance on Thursday in Dar es Dalaam on the controversial Constitution Review Bill which the president assent to early this week. He said the Bill had been debated in the House in a manner that it did not give a chance for the public to air their views, which was both undemocratic and against the law.

“We, as NCCR, plan to carry out a parallel constitution review process that will include different stakeholders, political party cadres and ordinary citizens in which they will have a chance to air their views,” affirmed Kafulila. He added “The government should not turn this process as their main agenda because it is in power but they should know that this is in the interest of the nation,” He said the people and political independence were important in coming up with a new Constitution.