Marando to probe Arusha Chadema – CCM accord


CHAMA cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo Central Committee (CHADEMA-CC) has appointed a team of four people to investigate corruption scandal surrounding what was termed as ‘fake accord’ reached by its party and Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) councillors for Arusha Urban.

A twist follows CHADEMA’s complaints and allegations that the ruling party had interfered and disturbed last year’s Arusha Municipal Mayor elections that caused the opposition party candidate, Estomi Mala to lose the post, leading to endless quarrels and diatribe.

It is reported that more than two people died and others injured including Arusha MP Godbless Lema in the scuffle to control over the Arusha Urban Council following unauthorised demonstration organised by CHADEMA to protest and pressurize the Government not to recognise the elected Mayor on grounds of using fake regulations.

The CHADEMA Secretary General, Wilbrod Slaa said in Dar es Salaam yesterday that the team would be led by a renowned lawyer, Mabere Marando and will have to submit its report to CC in five days.
Among others, the team will recommend and propose steps to be taken for further disciplinary procedures and if anyone found guilty, his or her post as a councillor will be nullified.

Citing last year’s Mayor Election, Dr Slaa said their candidate for Deputy Mayor’s post did not even fill the election forms as required by the election regulations saying it was against good governance and democracy.

“According to section 11 of CHADEMA’s constitution, the Party Secretary General has a mandate of appointing a team to investigate any issues within the party that seemed to have public interest and have adverse effect to peace and security, with blessing and consultation from the Central Committee,” said Slaa.

Apart from Mabele Marando, others in a probe team are Karatu District Council Chairman Lazaro Massay; party headquarter lawyer, Esther Daffi and another one whose name was not revealed yesterday.
The accord reached by CHADEMA councillors in Arusha with CCM is claimed by CHADEMA as illegal one as only nine councillors out of 21 attended the meeting against central committee’s orders.

Source: The African