Hotuba ya Waziri Kombani huko Sri Lanka leo.





Your Excellency, Rauff Hakeem, Minister for Justice of the  Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,

Your  Excellency, Prof. G. L. Peiris, Minister for External Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic Sri Lanka,

Your  Excellency, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Attorney General of Malaysia and the President of 48th Annual Session of the AALCO,

Your Excellency, Mr. Justice Owada, President of International Court of Justice,

Your Excellency, Prof. Dr. Rahamat Mohamad, Secretary General of the AALCO,

Honourable Ministers,

Heads of Delegations,

Distinguished Delegates and Observers,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Kindly allow me at the outset, to take this opportunity, on behalf of my delegation, to thank the Government and People of Sri Lanka for the warm hospitality extended to us since our arrival and for the excellent arrangements and facilities made available to us.


Allow me also to express my deep appreciation to the Secretary-General and the AALCO Secretariat for the excellent arrangements made for the Session. I am grateful to all the AALCO Member States, the Secretary-General and the Secretariat for the support and cooperation extended to me as the President of the Forty-Ninth Annual Session.

In the same vein, I thank all the Honourable Ministers, Heads of Delegations, Distinguished Delegates and Observers, who have come all the way to Colombo to participate in this important event.

 May I also take this opportunity to express my deep solidarity with the Government and people of Japan who have been affected by an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation. We hope and pray that they recover from these calamities with all their courage as they have done in the past.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we have assembled in this historic city of Colombo, capital of one the founders of this esteemed Organization, Sri Lanka to attend the Fiftieth Annual Session of the AALCO. In five days, we are going to deliberate on important agenda items on international law which are of significant and common interest to the Asian-African countries. This, I believe will certainly help our Member States in consolidating their positions at the international level, which would reflect the aspirations of the Asian-African countries in the progressive development and codification of international law.

The Fiftieth Annual Session of the AALCO takes place at the time when countries in the world, especially developing countries in Asia and Africa are being faced with challenges of economic depression, food shortages, oil price escalations and inadequate energy supplies. These challenges are a draw-back to work still to be done in realizing the Millennium Development Goals, the alleviation of poverty in particular.

As developing countries in Asia and Africa, we must recall the spirit of the 1955 Bandung Conference, which requires us to join hands and exert our energy to contribute in finding solutions to the current world challenges. Armed conflicts, piracy, terrorism and other forms of organized crimes remain to be the challenges of the world.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The past 50 years have witnessed a significant development among African and Asian countries in political, social and economic areas.  Most of these countries have managed to build democracy; to improve social services to their people and to put in place strong economic systems. These achievements need to be protected by having a common voice in international bodies. In this regard, the AALCO as a legal consultative organization has to continue to discharge its obligations by broadening its participation in international legal matters especially those with economic dimension.

In this era of globalization, member states have to equip themselves with skills relating to investment contracts and international business so as to be on an equal footing with developed countries. It is only through participation of the AALCO in international legal matters and its advice to member states, the interests of member states will be safeguarded against super powers.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since this is a Fiftieth Annual Session of our Organization, kindly allow me to reflect the achievements attained by the AALCO and challenges experienced by this noble Organization since its inception.  One of the significant achievements since the establishment of the AALCO is the role played by this Organization in shaping international law. Since its establishment, the Organization has been examining international law matters, which are before the United Nations and specifically the International Law Commission and the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly.

In this endeavor, the Organisation managed to play a crucial role in shaping various areas of international law such as International Trade Law and related matters, Law of Treaties, Diplomatic Law, Oceans and Law of the Sea, Human Rights and Refugees and Humanitarian Law. You will agree with me that this Organization has done a commendable job in bringing us together all issues pertaining to international law of which we have a common interest.

As we all understand, our Organization is currently working on topics on agenda of the International Law Commission which includes among other things issues like reservations to treaties, the most favored- nation clause (Part II) and effects of armed conflicts on treaties. Other issues that are on current programme of the Organization are Environment and Sustainable Development Matters. Recognizing the significance of these issues to member states, may I take this opportunity to urge all member states to render full support to the Organization in its efforts of making sure that our two Continents are on equal footing with other continents when international law matters are in question.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The scourge of conflicts among member states remains a challenge to the well being of our Organization. This state of affairs does not only tarnish the image of our Organization, but also accelerate poverty, diseases and other maladies to our people. It is high time now, we, as members of the AALCO, proposed methods under the umbrella of international law that may be used to end these unnecessary conflicts.

As we mark this Golden Jubilee, the Organization is facing acute shortage of funds. This state of affair in one way or another hinders the

implementation of the activities of the AALCO. In my view, the best way to observe this golden jubilee is for member states to honor their financial obligations to the Organization. May I, therefore, take this opportunity to urge member states to timely pay their dues to the Organization.   


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

My country, the United Republic of Tanzania, joined the AALCO family in the year 1973. Since then, Tanzania is very much committed to the cause of the AALCO. We consider that it was a great privilege and honor for us to host the Forty-Ninth Annual Session of the AALCO in the historic city of Dar es Salaam. The hosting of the Forty-Ninth Annual Session to us goes well with an old Kiswahili adage which says “mgeni aje, mwenyeji apone” meaning literally that “the arrival of a guest is a blessing to the host”. Indeed, the Forty-Ninth Annual Session was a blessing to us bearing in mind that despite the short notice, it was enriched by the participation of thirty out of forty seven Member States of the AALCO, two Observer Non-Member States and six Observers from International Organizations. Despite of that, the Session was a great success.

We had very productive discussions on the select items in the AALCO’s agenda. Also, the two half-day Special Meetings had the opportunity to discuss two important topics of concern for Asian-African countries, namely, “principle of complementarity and the crime of aggression” on one hand; and “Environment and Sustainable Development with the focus on Building Momentum towards Cancun Climate Change Negotiations” on the other the hand.

You may wish to note that, it was at the Forty-Ninth Annual Session that member states endorsed the proposal by the Secretary General for the establishment of the AALCO Eminent Persons Group. The Group, of which my country is a member, will serve as an Advisory Body to the Secretary General in steering the work of the Organization. I am informed that the Group held its preliminary meeting on 26th June, 2011 at Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo. It is my sincere hope that the Group will identify issues of common concern amongst member states and formulate strategies on how to address such issues and advise the Secretary General accordingly.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


At this juncture, allow me to congratulate the Secretary-General, Prof. Dr. Rahmat Mohamad and his two Deputies for sparing no efforts in ensuring a fully functional Secretariat, which meets standards required for the Secretariat of an inter-governmental organization.

To conclude, I would like to, once again, thank all the distinguished delegates and observers, who are here to participate in this Session and wish you fruitful deliberations.

Thank you for listening.