Assistant Commander Tanzanian Naval Brigedier General Rogastian Laswai, give the word of thanks to European union Naval for flag Ship F215 Brandenburg for having Good relationship Between them and Tanzania and the Naval training that are organized by European Union Naval.
European Union Naval Force Commander Task Force 465 Jurgen Zur muhlen at the centre Addressing the estimated guest during the Visit to Tanzania, and give thanks to Tanzania Government for good relationship.
Assistant Commander Tanzanian Naval Brigedier General Rogastian Laswai , give the word of thanks to European union Naval for flag Ship F215 Brandenburg for having Good relationship Between them and Tanzania and the Naval training that are organized by European Union Naval.
European Union Naval Force Commander Task Force 465 Jurgen Zur muhlen at left side together with Assistant Commander Tanzanian Naval Brigedier General Rogastian Laswai during the gathering
Some Guest From Government of Tanzania, Delegation of European Union, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany, invited Naval Force from Neighbor countries and other guest who join On Board inside Frigate Brandenburg