Did You Know…?

E-commerce has been around for a while but the global expansion of the “social web” and affordable mobile smart phones have supercharged its growth.
Let us take a look at some ecommerce facts and stats we have put together that you need to know to ensure you are focusing on the right optimization tactics and opportunities.
1. 44% of all shoppers begin by using a search engine, with Google being the biggest single driver.An Outbrain study shows that search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social by 300%. We conduct 131 billion searches a month. Many customers from online shopping communities like Kaymu say they got the link to a product after searching for it on a search engine like Google.
2. Facebook is responsible for 60% of all social traffic. Half of social-media-driven purchasing happens within one week of sharing, tweeting, liking or “favoriting” the product.
3. A study showed that satisfied customers tell 9 other people about their positive experience. Dissatisfied customers are likely to talk about their negative experience with 22 other people!
4. You are 60-70% more likely tomake an existing customer buy a product, while it is only 5-20% likely to convert a new customer. Repeat customers also spend 300% more than new customers. As a result, boosting retention rates by just 5% can increase profits from 25-95%!
5. The “Webrooming” trend (bought in store after browsing digitally) is estimated at 78% of all retail shoppers. The “Showrooming” trend (bought digitally after browsing at a store) is estimated to be 72% of shoppers.
Between the years 2007 and 2012, we saw Global online retail sales more than double from $236 billion to $521 billion. As the rest of the world has been taking these giant steps into furthering ecommerce and benefiting from its advantages, Africa has not been left behind. A recent study, A Digital Savannah: Africa’s e-commerce promise, commissioned in partnership with World Wide Worx and authored by Arthur Goldstuck, has revealed some fascinating trends shaping online consumer behavior across the African continent and this infographic highlights some of the key statistics propelling e-commerce opportunity in Africa.
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About AIG
Africa Internet Group introduces and accelerates the online shift in Africa – for its people and its culture. It is committed to running successful and vibrant internet companies which boost the evolution of African online culture. AIG is the parent group of nine successful and fast-growing companies in more than 25 African countries, accounting for over 3,000 staff. AIG cares about entrepreneurship and brings together all the key elements required to build great companies: team, concept, technology and capital. Its network of companies includes JUMIA, Kaymu, Hellofood, Lamudi, Carmudi, Zando, Jovago, Lendico and Easy Taxi.