Industrial park
BASED on consensus reached by UNIDO, the AU and UNECA, African countries have been using the 20th of November every year as a day to commemorate the importance of industrial sector – Africa Industrialization Day (AID). The occasion is used to engage stakeholders in deliberations on issues that are important to the sustainable development of the industrial sector.
This year’s AID celebrations are taking place following the adoption of the Lima Declaration by UNIDO member states last December and the approval of UNIDO’s new mandate for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID).
Every year, a common theme is identified by the three agencies help guide the commemoration. This year, the selected theme is: “Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development: African Agro-industry for Food security”.
Commemorations for AID in Tanzania, are being coordinated by the Ministry fo Industry and Trade with the support of CTI, UNIDO and other institutions. The commemorations this year, will be held at the Saba Saba Trade Fair.
The commemorations will include the following highlights:
•Exhibitions by representatives from the industrial sector in Tanzania, from 17-20 November, 2014 at the PTA hall, Saba Saba.
•Joint Statements from the African Union (AU), United nations Industrial Development organization (UNIDO) and the United nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).
•Statements on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania.
•Presentation of a symposium paper on the theme for this year.