A special course geared to empower students planning to join Universities and colleges this year to be able to manage education and social challenges starts in Dar es Salaam today.
The intensive course to be conducted in a weeklong phases runs from June to August 30th this at RAIDA High School, Tabata Changombe, near Barakuda area, Ilala District, Dar es Salaam.
The training programme has been designed following studies which indicate that abrupt social and technological changes occurring in the changing world has had a far reaching negative impact on University and higher learning college students since the students are not prepared well with life skills to face the challenges.
The architect of the course, former lecturer of University of Dar es Salaam, Professor Ruth Meena said the course will equip the students with among other things on how to deal with issues of self esteem, setting personal goals, choosing career, identifying friends, managing stresses, coping with peer pressure and how to achieve their life dreams.
Professor Meena said the training will empower students manage successfully transition from sheltered Secondary school lives to college environments where they are supposed to be pilots of their own lives.
The development activist Professor said both girls and boys students need to be provided with skills to cope with new life in colleges for them to be able to know their potentials, human value, and set and implement their education and life goals successfully.
The renown Political Science lecturer said studies have shown that many girls and boys joining higher learning colleges fails to meet their education dreams simply because they are not equipped with important skills on how to cope with social and academic demands and challenges.
She said as a result some students of higher learning institutions end up endulging in practices which undermine their academic expectations because they do not set objectives and work hard for it.
Other are caught up in drug abuse, alcoholism and sex which expose them to risks of contracting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS or getting unwanted pregnancies, thus failing to meet their education and life dreams.
In an interview with TAMWA Professor Meena said lack of tips on how to cope with college life in the changing global village has seen some students, girls and boys committing suicide due to depressions resulting from unpreparedness to face the new academic environment.
She noted that to enable many students benefit 30 students will be enrolled for the five days course every week and that those interested can register through the phone calls: 0754 824723/0786 122 471/0688 425652 au 0714 511883.