Mbowe says Chadema to cooperate with opposition MPs

The leader of the Opposition camp in parliament, Freeman Mbowe, told the House yesterday that Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) was ready to work with all legislators from other political parties, stressing that there was no need to engage in quarrels.

Mbowe, who is also Chadema national chairman and MP for Hai, gave the pledge when debating the November 2010 President Jakaya Kiwete’s speech in the House.

He said the MPs had to understand his party’s strategies in cooperation since they were building one nation, Tanzania.

He also congratulated Kikwete for his listening skills, especially for acceeding to the process of coming up with a new constitution.

“We have gone a long way in the struggle to change our constitution. A constitution is not the property of any political party. It is the people’s property,” he said.

Mbowe told the House that although President Kikwete had initiated the process the idea was never in CCM’s manifesto nor was it in his November 2010 speech.

“I am happy that the president has decided to take the idea from Chadema and some other opposition political parties because the idea of having a new constitution wasn’t CCM’s idea. But we are happy that Kikwete decided to take it up,” he said.

He also advised the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and other government leaders not to hesitate to use Chadema’s election manifesto if they thought it would be instrumental in bringing about changes in the country.

He also called on the government to speed up the process of having the new constitution, saying if it succeeded it would reduce many problems happening in the country now.

Mbowe said there was also a need to overhaul the administration system of the country from centralisation to decentralisation.