Kaymu Reaches 5 Million Fans on Facebook

TANZANIA’S leading online marketplace: Kaymu, has reached the 5 million fans mark on Facebook. Thisbigachievement of gettingto 5 million Facebook fans, nowranks Kaymu as the36th biggest e-commerce page in theworld. Justtwomonthsago Kaymu ranked as the 45th. Thiscalculatesinto Kaymu gettinganaverage of more than 13,000 fans per day, more than 85,000 fans per week, and more than 371,000 fans per month, making Kaymu biggerthan Linio, AliExpress, Jabong, Asos, Zalando, Lazada. Thismakes Kaymu as big as Rakuten and Flipkart.

The Kaymu Global Social Media Manager, Thomas Bannelier explains, “Ittookus 1 yeartogetourfirstmillion fans, butjust 88 daysfrom 4 to 5 million. Thisisremarkablegrowth and we’reonlygoingtokeepgrowingbigger and faster.”
Kaymu Reaches 5 Million Fans on Facebook
About Kaymu
Kaymu istheleading online shopping community, and thesafestplatformonthemarket. Itconnects and empowersbuyers and sellerstoallowthemtotakeadvantage of thebestdealsonanextensiverange of productsincludingelectronics, mobilephones, fashionitems and tons of gadgets. Thanksto a fixedpricesystem, Kaymu guaranteesthatuserswillalwaysfindthelowestpricesonthemarket.

About AIG
Africa Internet Group introduces and acceleratesthe online shift in Africa – foritspeople and its culture. Itiscommittedtorunningsuccessful and vibrant internet companieswhichboosttheevolution of African online culture. AIG istheparentgroup of ninesuccessful and fast-growingcompanies in more than 25 Africancountries, accountingforover 3, 000 staff. AIG cares aboutentrepreneurship and bringstogetherallthekeyelementsrequiredtobuildgreatcompanies: team, concept, technology and capital. Itsnetwork of companiesincludes JUMIA, Kaymu, Hellofood, Lamudi, Carmudi, Zando, Jovago, Lendico and Easy Taxi.