Know the Consumer Behavior in the Travelling Sector…!

Know the Consumer Behavior in the Travelling Sector THE travelling sector is one of the industries which can increase the income of the country in a short period of time if it is considered more seriously and taken as the first priority in the revenue collection in Tanzania: TANAPA (Tanzania National Parks Authority).

The number of tourists in Tanzania is increasing day by day; there are approximately more than 600,000 visitors per annum visiting Tanzania, currently there are still few travelling sectors in Tanzania which perform well in the market.

Observing your audience always makes it easier not only to pinpoint their needs, wants and budget but also to determine what kind of consumers can truthfully hold up your business and become aides for your business. “If you are dealing with young couples, make sure you meet all the needs for young couples and there, you will see the output in the industry”, Country Manager of Jovago Tanzania, Andrea Guzzoni explained.

According to the research conducted recently by Experian Marketing Services in 2015, “if the travelling sector understands the consumer’s behavior, they will definitely be better positioned to understand their audience and that will make businesses more successful in the market.” They also state that in the travelling sector there are two categories which you can put into consideration: young couples (18-34) and the families, (husband, wife and children),

Young couples are said to have high status job and rent high value properties. They are also adapted to technology and smartphones, they spend more than 20% of their time on the internet, 14.2% shopping online, 13% looking through news and media, 5% on lifestyle websites, 43.6 % on others and the remaining 4.2% on travelling websites.

Families in this category possess with high assets and big investments but they always adopt technology from the younger generation. They spend 37% of their time on the internet, 24.3% on news and entertainment sites, 14% on lifestyle and business sites and 20.5 % on others but only 4.2% on the travelling websites.