New Year Resolution; Start Buying and Selling Online

Buying and Selling Online

Buying and Selling Online

AS we enter the 3rd week of January, we are sure that many of you have put down your New Year resolutions which you are looking forward to accomplishing, and we sure hope you do. Have any of you thought of changing the way you usually buy or sell? Ditching the traditional retail process? Make buying and selling online one of your new resolutions today, the good thing about this is that it’s easy and convenient.

You are definitely going to buy something new this year to start off the year fresh won’t you? Whether its electronics or fashion, Kaymu is one the perfect destinations for this, where buyers and sellers meet online and conduct business instantly.

In terms of fashion, some of you might have wanted to change your style and buy new clothes; some of you might have wanted to get rid of your old belongings which can still be re-usable. Some of you even might have wanted to open a small business but did not know where to start. All of your desires can be fulfilled through this website, which throws open the doors of-commerce.

Buying and selling online saves time and a whole lot of energy: avoid the hassle of the trip to the crowded markets just to find that perfect item, and skip the numerous phone calls to inform people about the availability of your items if your intention is to sell.

The most exciting part of this resolution is that you can not only surf on your laptop but even on the palm of your hands, by downloading the Kaymu Mobile Application. If you are a seller, make sure you take great pictures upload them and get ready to make that extra-cash you have yearning for.

ErfaanMojgani, Kaymu Tanzania’s country Manager said; “If you are a buyer, all you need to do is browse on a variety of products and pick whatever you would like and register yourself in a matter of few minutes, you will instantly get an email that you will need to validate, thereafter you will receive the sellers contact details in a matter of seconds”.

He adds “Our order management team will always call you to help with the process and make sure your buying experience is as smooth as possible”
The beauty of using Kaymu is that you have a wide option of delivery and payment solutions; with the help of delivery partners, your items can be delivered to you anywhere in Tanzania up until your door step.