AFRICAN ladies are otherwise known for other things than Boxing, except for this one who is changing and making the story looks different. Ms. Bintou Yawa Schmill, 28 years young, a totally black African breed 1.71m, Togo born and based in Germany, started her boxing career at a tender age. Something she did as an Amature has become a success story. She wickedly punched competitors, messlessly and won 24 fights ,and 2 draw in the category welterweight -64Kg.
Her fingerprint show her since 2007, to have been a professional boxer with unbeatable record of 4 fights, 4wins in a package including 3 K. O. Her case study is exceptional, she has not only broken the gender rule, she’s representing the African continent in a Boxing ring , punching evil out the brains of her competitors, Bintou is the Lioness that roars and the Lions make a way. Now she´s back on stage, live and ready for a face2face catch, one on one.
Any brave hearted out there to sponsor and make a name with Bintou? Bintou needs you to make it happen… a man is a man because of another man –UBUNTU