14TH JANUARY, 2013
Honourable Bernard Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation,
Your Excellency Juma Alfan Mpango, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps;
Excellencies, Heads of Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome Remarks
Welcome to the State House. I thank you all for accepting my invitation and sparing your precious time to come and attend this year’s Sherry Party. I wish you, your families and staff a very happy and prosperous new year. Please convey to your Heads of State and Governments and Principals my very warm greetings and best wishes for 2013. I look forward to continued friendship and even stronger cooperation this year and beyond. For those of you who are attending the Sherry Party for the first time, I say welcome to the family and to our annual event which has almost become a ritual.
Review of 2012
The year 2012 was very eventful for the people of Tanzania and their government. Many good things continued to happen and laudable progress had been made, for all to see, in many fronts. There were also some difficult, challenging and sand moments as well. On the whole, 2012 was a momentous year for our country presenting clear indication for better and exciting times in the years ahead.
The Tanzanian economy continued to grow at a fast pace. We expected to attain 6.8 percent compared to 6.4 percent in 2011. Foreign trade continued to expand. Exports of goods and services increased to an all time high record of USD 8,531.7 million for the ending November, 2012 compared to USD 7,384.4 million for the period ending November, 2011. What is of interest to note is the increase in the contribution of the following sectors mining, tourism, manufacturing and agriculture in this equation. Unfortunately, trade balance continued not to be in our favour as we imported more than we exported. However, the bulk of the imports comprises of capital goods and petroleum products which signifies promotion of more growth in future.
Last year was a good one for investment flow, in the country. We got investment projects worth USD 19.6 billion compared to USD 7.1 billion the year before. We performed for better than expected although we wished we could do much better. Our economy needs that and has the capacity to absolve a lot more. It is heartwarming, indeed, to note that our foreign exchange reserve is sound but we need to perform better on the export front so as to ensure a stronger balance of payments situation.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
We concluded the year 2012 with the Tanzanian shilling gaining strength compared to the weak position it was in 2011. Unfortunately, inflation remains high despite some gains made. Inflation declined from 19.8 percent in December, 2011 to 12.1 percent in November, 2012. We are determined to get back to single digit by June, 2013. Generally, the food security situation in the country was good in 2012 although, some parts experienced food supply stresses due to rains in those areas being less than normal. Last year, the government, extended food support to 765,381 people in 39 districts. This problem will be with us until the next harvest season. We will continue to extend such support to these people and others in need.
We will, also, do a comprehensive evaluation of the food situation in the country. The current unprecedented high prices for maize has sounded the alarm. Our aim is to explore the possible options for intervention.
All in all, we are happy with the state of our economy and the progress being made. We are ready to do whatever it takes, to do better this year and in future years. We will stay the course on economic reform. We want to see stronger macro-economic performance. We will do the needful to keep inflation in check. We will continue to take the necessary measures to improve the business environment in Tanzania. With regard to agriculture we will continue to give due attention to the sector. In particular, we will strive to attain the target of 10 percent of the budgetary allocation in the next financial year.
Socio-economic Progress
During the year 2012, we witnessed commendable progress being made in education, health services, water supply, roads, airports and railways. We will continue to do so this year so that more and more people get access to these all important services. I am concerned with the slow progress with regard to rural water supply, railway transport and congestion in the city of Dar es Salaam. Our government will give due attention to these sectors this year. I appeal for more robust support from our development partners in this regard. We also seek more support to improve the electricity sub-sector in the country.
In 2012, as in previous years, Tanzania continued to enjoy peace and political stability. Democracy continues to take roots, basic freedoms, human rights and rule of law continued to be respected and observed. There were unfortunate incidents which were dealt with both through dialogue and legal mechanism. We hope to see greater progress this year and no more threats to peace and stability of the country be they of religious or political nature. We will continue to use both tracks but will exercise a lot of firmness for we will not allow this country to plunge into anarchy and lawlessness. We will not allow anyone to divide this country on or incite religious, or racial or geographical division and tensions.
Constitutional Review
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
You will recall, in my address to you on similar occasion last year (10 January, 2012) I mentioned that the Constitutional review process was underway. I am happy to inform you that I kept my promise and constituted a Review Commission in May. The Commission commenced the duty of collecting views from the Tanzanian public from 29th June. They are now collecting views from institutions, groups and associations. After that they will come up with the Draft Constitution for consideration by the Constituent Assembly later this year. After the Assembly concludes its work the draft will be presented to the people for final endorsement through a referendum. If all goes according to plan, by next year Tanzanians will have a Constitution of their own creation.
My government is satisfied with the pace of the Constitutional review process.
Housing and Population Census 2012
One of the important undertakings successfully carried out last year was the Population and Housing Census. It was the fifth census since the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar and the birth of the United Republic of Tanzania. I am glad that the results are out indicating that we are 44,929,002 Out of which 43,625,434 are living on the Mainland and 1,303,568 in Zanzibar.
When one compares with the results of the 2002 Census, our population is growing at 2.6 percent per year. This means, if we maintain this growth rate the population of Tanzania will be 51.6 million by the year 2016. Indeed, these results mean a lot to our Government, our development partners and the civil society in planning our work in the service of the people of Tanzania. I have appealed to my fellow Tanzanians to take family planning more seriously. We in government will give more attention to this matter this year and the years ahead.
The success of the Population Census could not be possible without the support of our development partners and other stakeholders. Your support made a huge difference for which we will always be grateful. This year we will focus on issuing national identity cards to Tanzania. We hope everything all will go according to plan so that by 2015 all eligible Tanzanians will be carrying national identity cards.
In the global arena, last year Tanzania continued to play an active role in regional and international bodies in which we are members and in international meetings we have been invited to participate. We promise to continue to be proactive and advance bilateral relations with all nations and multilateral institutions.
Peace and Security
In this regard therefore, we will strive to promote and advance to greater heights the cordial bilateral relations that so happily exist between Tanzania and all our neighbours and all nations in the world. On the issue of our boundary with Malawi over Lake Nyasa, we will continue to seek dialogue over the matter. As you know, our two countries have submitted a joint request, on 22nd December, 2012 to the Forum of Former African Heads of States and Government, through His Excellency Joaquim Chissano, the former President of Mozambique and Chairperson of the Forum. We have asked them to assist us with mediation. It is my conviction that the matter will soon be resolved in amicable manner. I want to assure you that Tanzania is determined to see the issue comes to an end in a friendly manner. Neighbours should not fight over something which can be resolved through dialogue.
Chairmanship of SADC Organ
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;
As you are aware, last year Tanzania took over the Chairmanship of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security. It is a momentous responsibility especially at this time when the region is grappling with serious security and political challenges in the DRC, Madagascar and Zimbabwe. But it is also an honor and privilege to be at the service of our dear Organization (of SADC) and its people.
The Organ is already making efforts to find solutions to these challenges. We have held two Troika Summits, one on 7th and 8th December, 2012 and the other on 10th and 11th January, 2013 to deliberate on the issues. Indeed, they are in difficult situations but they are not hopeless. They are doable and I hope we will succeed this time around. All we need is continued support from within these countries, the region and the international community. I appeal to the international community to intensify support to the cause. Doing something different is not in the best interest of the countries concerned nor it is for the interest of any of us.
Smart Partnership Dialogue
As most of you have heard Tanzania will graciously host the Global 2013 Smart Partnership Dialogue on 24 – 28 May in Dar es Salaam. It is a global forum that will attract over 500 delegates including Heads of State, academia and representatives of civil society, private sector and professional bodies. The main theme of the Forum will be “Leveraging Science and Technology for Africa’s Development”.
Once again, I kindly invite you to attend the Dialogue, and please help us to sensitise interested groups and individuals back home to come.
Your Excellency Dean of the Diplomatic Corps;
Excellencies, Heads of Diplomatic Missions;
Representatives of International Organizations;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
In conclusion, I would like to pay homage to the enduring relationship that Tanzania enjoys with countries and organizations you represent. Our friendship and co-operation is and will always be guided by our common vision in pursuit of lasting peace, security and sustainable development. Tanzania values your co-operation and the support you have been rendering to complement our efforts in pursuit of growth and prosperity. You have played an important complementary role to our efforts and we are grateful for your assistance. Please make your commitment more predictable in terms of disbursement. It is my hope that the co-operation will continue to grow to greater heights. Together we can overcome!
Once again I wish you, your countries and organizations all the best in the year 2013. Let it be the year of abundance, prosperity and fulfillment. Let it usher a new rays of hope and a fresh thinking on common challenges that are facing the mankind. Let us forge ahead with all the gains and bury our failure behind. There is a sign of hope, let us seize the opportunity.
Thank you for your kind attention.