JK picks 7 women as ministers

President Jakaya Kikwete, speaks to media at State House in Dar es Salaam yesterday, during the announcement of new members of cabinets.

Dar es Salaam. President Jakaya Kikwete has yesterday announced his cabinet of 29 full ministers, with only seven women heading some crucial ministries.
The number of women in a just announced cabinet is not different with the dissolved one, but there are some new faces which come in as it includes Samia Suluhu Hassan the former minister for tourism, trade and empowerment in Zanzibar government.

Others are Prof Anna Tibaijuka who was a former UN-HABITAT executive director and who went unopposed in her constituency Muleba South, has been named the Minister for Lands, housing and human settlement development.
But the appointment has retained those who were in the previous cabinet involves Sofia Simba who served as a minister for state, good governance and Ms Mary Nagu who serves as a minister for state, Prime Minister’s office, Empowerment and Investment.

Ms Gaudensia Kabaka and Dr Lucy Nkya who served as deputies in the last government they have been appointed to continue serving the government under new dockets.
Dr Lucy Nkya has been announced deputy minister for health and social welfare, while Ms Kabaka has been a full cabinet minister, employment and labour.
Speaking to this paper yesterday the Minister for State, Prime Minister’s office Dr Mary Nagu thanked God and President Jakaya Kikwete for appointing her into a new portfolio.
She explained her anxiety working with Premier Mizengo Pinda, aiming at empowering Tanzanians to dominate their economy and attracting investments in the country.

“Empowerment and Investment is the only strategy that will see Tanzanian owning their own economy, while attracting investors in different aspects,” She noted
In previous cabinet there were about seven women, Ms Shamsa Mwangunga the former minister for tourism and natural resources, who failed in party primaries, Mrs Margaret Sitta who served as minister for Community development, gender and children who has won the special seats of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi but not picked as a minister.
Others are Dr Batilda Burian who served as the Minister for State, Vice President Office responsible for environment, who also was defeated by Godbless Lema from Chadema in Arusha urban.
While the dropped deputy ministers include Dr Maua Daftari who was serving in the ministry of science and technology.
However in new recruitment President Jakaya Kikwete has considered youths at least seven in his cabinet, as some being rewarded full cabinet minister.
In an interview yesterday after the mentioning of cabinet Ministers, the Minister for livestock development and fisheries Dr Mathayo David Mathayo said he is happy that President Kikwete has shown his trust into youths.
“I’m now about 40 years and a minister… this has showed that President Kikwete has trust with youths to move forward the Tanzanian development basing on the election manifesto that we sold to wananchi,” Dr Mathayo said
In the new cabinet there are other youths which involves the minister for minerals and energy Mr William Ngeleja and his deputy Adam Malima, Emmanuel Nchimbi who has been appointed the minister for information, sports, culture and youth development.

Emmanuel Nchimbi, 39
Minister for Information, Youth Development, Culture and Sports.
First appointed deputy minister of Labour, Employment and Youth Development in 2006 before he was relocated to the ministry of Defence and National Service. He is an expert of Finance Banking and currently the Songea Urban MP.

William Ngeleja 43
Minister for Energy and Minerals
First appointed deputy minister in 2006 before he was promoted to full minister in 2008. He is a lawyer and currently saving as Sengerema MP.

Mathayo David Mathayo, 40
Minister for Livestock Development and Fisheries.
First appointed deputy minister for Trade, Industries and Marketing before he was relocated to the ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives also as a deputy minister. He is an expert on veterinary Same West MP.

Ezekiel Maige, 40
Minister for Tourism and Natural Resources.
First appointed deputy minister in the same ministry in 2008. He is an accountant and Msalala MP.